Go to https://one.dash.cloudflare.com/networks/tunnels
Networks -> Tunnels -> Create a tunnel
Select your tunnel type:
Enter the name of your tunnel. Done.
Choose your environment and architecture. Then you will get a generated command to install your cloudflared service on your device.
Set your Public hostname from tab «Public hostnames».
Set up your dns servers from cloudflare for your domain.
# for vmware tools # apt-get install open-vm-tools apt update apt upgrade wget https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-amd64.deb dpkg -i cloudflared-linux-amd64.deb sudo cloudflared service install eyJGkeiOEWFlMjY0OWI1YTU1YjFlZThjMDlhYTU2OTk3ODMxFEew3367uGJMTQ4Y2M4ZjAtNjU3ZS00MzViLThkYzQtNTkwYjBkYjVjZjUyIiwicyI6IlpqQXlOekEzTldRdFee234zAwTkRZMUxXSTJOVFV0TXpOa1pqWXpNak5qFe33GET
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