debian linux with webserver on android phone

22 Янв

How to install debian

Installation of UserLAnd and then Linux distribution

1. Need to download and install application UserLAnd from or from or from Google Play Market
2. Select OS for install it to your Android device.
You can select from: Alpine / Arch / Debian / Kali / Ubuntu.
In my case it was a Debian linux distribution.
3. Next need to select a connection type. I selected: SSH
4. Waiting for installation. After it will be installed you will be in bash environement.

First of all you can change a root password, just type the next command and set the new root password for your Linux:

sudo passwd

Now we can login to our system from another devices by PUTTY-client for example. SSH port will be «2022»:

afer that we can update our linux (debian/ubuntu)

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

install a net tools and other needed software for ifconfig and top commands working:

sudo apt install net-tools dialog procps

Installation of Webmin:

# Downloading to your dir a setup file of webmin installer
curl -o
# If you got an error the you need to install ca-certificates
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates
# Runing installer. Always tap [y]
sudo chmod +x ./
sudo ./
# after successful downloading needed packages going to install webmin
sudo apt-get install webmin --install-recommends

Okay now Webmin is runing on your :10000 port. You can login here as root.
( example: )

Also you can look at the next solutions:

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